Indicatif: | 232059288 |
Numéro MMSI: | 232059288 |
Classe de bâtiment: | Pleasure (37) |
Position: | 50°42.35' N 1°57.00' W - locator IO90AQ59XJ - Carte 2.7 km Sud cap 188° de Parkstone, Dorset, England, United Kingdom [?] 3.7 km Est cap 109° de Poole, Borough of Poole, England, United Kingdom 94.7 km Sud-est cap 151° de Bristol, City of Bristol, England, United Kingdom 121.5 km Sud-est cap 135° de Cardiff, City and County of Cardiff, Wales, United Kingdom |
Dernière position: | 2025-02-26 11:38:54 UTC (4d 18h57m Il y a) 2025-02-26 11:38:54 GMT heure locale Parkstone, United Kingdom [?] |
Route: | 360° – cap 511° |
Vitesse: | 0 km/h |
Dernier chemin: | 232059288>ais via M0TRT |
Positions enregistrées: | 1 |