Commentaire: | LoRa APRS |
Position: | 37°28.70' N 77°38.40' W - locator FM17EL34ET - Carte 5.2 km Nord cap 9° de Brandermill, Chesterfield County, Virginia, United States [?] 7.3 km Nord-est cap 29° de Woodlake, Chesterfield County, Virginia, United States 17.9 km Sud-ouest cap 242° de Richmond, City of Richmond, Virginia, United States 139.0 km Nord-ouest cap 301° de Norfolk, City of Norfolk, Virginia, United States |
Dernière position: | 2025-01-28 01:33:00 UTC (22d 1h38m Il y a) 2025-01-27 20:33:00 EST heure locale Brandermill, United States [?] |
Dernière télémétrie: | 2025-01-28 01:33:00 UTC (22d 1h38m Il y a) 2025-01-27 20:33:00 EST heure locale Brandermill, United States [?] |
Valeurs: | V_Batt: 4.220 VDC (TLM: 422 EQN: 0,0.01,0) |