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Stations proches de la position actuelle de MINT JULEP
indicatif distance dernier entendu - EST      indicatif distance dernier entendu - EST
SUNDANCE12.5 yards 151°2024-12-10 07:21:16 JANX SPIRIT17.0 yards 3°2024-11-17 09:55:20
JACK TAR19.6 yards 52°2024-12-08 05:51:40 BLACKJACK21.7 yards 48°2024-12-01 09:28:25
OCELLARIS25.3 yards 290°2024-12-02 08:48:40 OCEAN LIFE 133.0 yards 270°2024-12-14 16:53:18
LILY OF HAMBLE42.8 yards 305°2024-12-14 16:53:18 STICKLEBACK50.2 yards 29°2024-11-22 08:35:58
PURE INTENT51.0 yards 179°2024-12-14 11:20:00 PURE MAGIC51.9 yards 153°2024-12-14 07:22:10
CLOUD NINE52.7 yards 233°2024-12-08 09:09:28 JUPITER IV52.9 yards 91°2024-12-14 16:53:18
PURE POTENTIAL53.1 yards 164°2024-11-30 10:59:11 PURE PRESSURE54.3 yards 157°2024-12-12 10:58:39
SWISS BLISS56.3 yards 50°2024-12-12 08:57:05 ARTEMIS62.4 yards 45°2024-11-17 08:24:13
JOLIE BRISE64.6 yards 4°2024-11-26 08:12:25 FANDANGLE68.8 yards 122°2024-12-14 05:40:51
PURE CALM70.2 yards 106°2024-12-12 10:48:31 WATER COLOUR73.2 yards 336°2024-11-26 04:50:02
HARLEY73.8 yards 51°2024-12-13 08:47:57 ESCAPE75.4 yards 99°2024-12-14 16:53:18
PURE RELEASE82.4 yards 154°2024-12-01 10:03:48 SIENA OF HAMBLE82.5 yards 171°2024-12-01 10:39:12
COUGAR OF COWES84.1 yards 198°2024-12-01 08:37:44 ASSOCIATE86.3 yards 1°2024-12-04 07:17:07
SKY87.4 yards 64°2024-11-30 11:34:35 PESCARUS91.8 yards 154°2024-12-11 05:27:33
PURE ATTITUDE101.4 yards 110°2024-11-16 11:42:06 SOIREE103.6 yards 205°2024-12-11 05:02:15
ABOUT TIME104.3 yards 8°2024-11-16 09:10:32 JOLLY JUMPER106.8 yards 78°2024-11-17 08:49:33
JOE BANANAS107.8 yards 152°2024-12-14 16:38:09 SURF108.7 yards 105°2024-12-13 08:53:01
EMOCEAN109.3 yards 150°2024-12-14 16:53:18 ECOS111.2 yards 42°2024-12-14 16:53:18
PURE ENERGY128.0 yards 119°2024-12-14 10:39:30 SUNDOWNER OF HAMBLE128.9 yards 182°2024-12-14 16:53:18
BABAROO136.1 yards 165°2024-11-15 05:33:05 DARA138.4 yards 173°2024-12-07 20:01:14
VITESSE138.6 yards 28°2024-12-01 07:57:11 HUFFLEPUFF141.3 yards 184°2024-12-12 09:22:25
FINN SARGO 31141.4 yards 189°2024-12-01 07:21:42 INDIAN RUNNER142.1 yards 159°2024-12-12 08:11:31
DRIGOLE142.5 yards 41°2024-12-04 14:11:55 HOTRATS150.0 yards 185°2024-12-01 08:32:40
QUAILO III150.6 yards 37°2024-12-09 06:17:54 DRAGONFLY156.5 yards 166°2024-12-03 07:08:13
BAMBOOZLE159.9 yards 25°2024-12-14 16:53:18 XPLORER 18-01161.2 yards 313°2024-12-14 06:51:48
WILD RIVAL164.3 yards 188°2024-12-01 06:36:10 HAWL AWAY168.0 yards 177°2024-12-14 16:53:18
BROOMSTICK170.3 yards 168°2024-11-30 08:22:17 CORK MALT172.0 yards 110°2024-11-22 10:32:07
SEAS THE DAY172.7 yards 195°2024-11-16 08:50:19 JOLLY OLLY177.1 yards 164°2024-11-24 19:01:21
GRACE181.1 yards 326°2024-11-21 04:23:42 WINKING SEAL184.7 yards 165°2024-12-04 06:56:52
FIREBRAND185.6 yards 29°2024-11-18 03:10:17 WITH ALACRITY190.4 yards 126°2024-12-14 10:14:14
HASI 4193.2 yards 198°2024-11-18 06:58:16 DOUBLE TROUBLE193.5 yards 125°2024-12-01 09:28:25
JESBEK193.9 yards 320°2024-12-09 10:56:21 JEROBOAM194.8 yards 60°2024-12-01 08:37:44
OARSOME DREAM195.3 yards 323°2024-12-14 16:53:18 UPROAR 111197.9 yards 72°2024-12-14 07:47:29
RETRIBUTION203.7 yards 66°2024-11-22 10:47:15 MOJITO205.3 yards 33°2024-11-29 11:48:50
SAILING YACHT IO207.2 yards 66°2024-11-30 07:26:31 MISTAKEN IDENTITY207.3 yards 330°2024-12-11 04:06:34
MAD DASH208.3 yards 197°2024-12-11 10:41:41 SAORLA210.8 yards 139°2024-11-30 06:00:17
HAMBLE LIFEBOAT 1213.5 yards 175°2024-12-14 11:45:15 MANGE TOUT214.6 yards 153°2024-12-14 11:50:18
WOMBLE220.5 yards 184°2024-12-12 04:38:43 ECLIPSE II220.7 yards 160°2024-11-17 06:32:50
MODJADJI221.9 yards 190°2024-11-25 06:22:47 GENEPI223.6 yards 180°2024-12-01 05:45:26
JUST LET IT GO226.0 yards 181°2024-11-16 07:19:17 SEA DREAM227.7 yards 173°2024-12-05 08:33:27
GEMINI LADY229.3 yards 190°2024-12-14 16:53:18 ONDINE246.5 yards 167°2024-12-06 08:19:10
THALIA259.2 yards 54°2024-11-26 10:49:10 GREY GOOSE260.0 yards 185°2024-11-20 04:52:15
SEA SAW263.6 yards 172°2024-12-07 06:22:30 MOON CLOUD263.8 yards 195°2024-12-14 16:48:15
FINNISH LINE266.2 yards 181°2024-12-14 16:53:18 AYESHA281.9 yards 35°2024-12-01 08:17:28
BREEZE322.4 yards 183°2024-12-01 09:33:29 SERENITY330.7 yards 189°2024-12-01 07:47:03
MERLIN OF RHU331.0 yards 174°2024-12-01 07:52:07 DARK HORSE343.5 yards 29°2024-12-01 08:52:56
BATFISH 5346.3 yards 172°2024-11-29 04:08:20 DINO VOLANTE352.4 yards 30°2024-12-09 09:50:29
BUMBLEBEE361.8 yards 28°2024-12-01 09:13:14 SEA CRUSADER366.8 yards 42°2024-11-23 20:19:52
JHANA367.8 yards 43°2024-11-26 06:56:26 FIZZ369.6 yards 182°2024-12-13 13:26:07
FRANK 4379.0 yards 28°2024-12-12 05:39:32 EXUBERANT394.7 yards 28°2024-11-17 09:24:58
A propos de ce site
Cette page affiche en temps réel les informations recueillies par le système de suivi automatique de position (APRS) Automatic Position Reporting System sur le réseau Internet (APRS-IS). L'APRS est utilisé par les radioamateurs afin de transmettre en temps réel des informations de position, des données météorologiques, de la télémétrie et des messages par les ondes radio. Un véhicule équipé d'un récepteur GPS , d'un émetteur VHF ou HF (émetteur ?) et d'un petit appareil appelé "tracker", transmet sa position, sa vitesse et son cap dans un petit paquet de données, qui sont ensuite reçus par la plus proche passerelle internet (iGate) qui renvoie le paquet sur Internet. Les systèmes connectés à Internet peuvent envoyer des informations sur le réseau APRS-IS sans émetteur radio, ou recueillir et afficher des informations transmises à travers le monde.
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